Noticed a change in your pets mood or behaviour?
This could be a symptom of underlying medical conditions or a change in your pet’s environment. Our first recommendation will be a comprehensive nose to tail exam. If we need to conduct any tests, our vets will send these to our on-premise Pathology Laboratory. If your pet’s change is because of an illness, we’ll prescribe the necessary treatment to make sure your pet recovers quickly.
What’s Causing the Change In My Pet’s Behaviour?
Behavioural issues can be caused by a variety of factors. To determine what’s causing your pet’s change, our team will ask you about the following:
- Genetics and breeding
- How old your pet is
- Any changes in your routine, life or household
- How your pet was trained
Asking these questions will help the team understand your pet’s life and determine the best way to help you manage your pet’s behaviour.
How Are Behavioural Problems Treated?
Making a lasting change that helps your pet live a happy life requires the guidance of expert vets and the support of your entire household. We’ll work with you to find a new routine that works for you and your pet. To get the best outcome for your pet, you’ll need to make sure you and your household are committed to their training or new routine.
At Ascot Vet, we prioritise your pet’s holistic health and wellbeing. Have questions about your pet’s behaviour or want to make an appointment? Give our team of friendly vets and nurses a call at 9277 7488.