Blood testing for vaccination titres has emerged as a valuable and progressive option for pet owners who are hesitant to revaccinate their dogs and cats. This approach to monitoring immunity levels offers an alternative, while still ensuring that pets receive the appropriate protection against infectious diseases.
Traditionally, vaccination has been the standard method to safeguard pets from various diseases. Titre testing involves measuring the concentration of specific antibodies in a blood sample, providing a precise assessment of the pet’s immunity to particular diseases.
One of the primary benefits of titre testing is its ability to provide personalised vaccination protocols tailored to each pet’s specific needs. Through blood testing, vets can determine the pet’s existing immunity levels and assess whether revaccination is necessary. If the results indicate sufficient protection, revaccination can be delayed.
This can be very useful for some pets if revaccination is medically contraindicated due to underlying health conditions, or in the rare case that they have a history of adverse reactions to vaccines. In such cases, titre testing offers a safe and responsible approach to managing the pet’s vaccination status while maintaining adequate protection against diseases.
Contact Ascot Vet to find out more or to book an appointment.